
Sunday 5 February 2012

The process behind the scenes...

Through the process of testing and creating a fashion forward shoot on the '7 Deadly Sins' I wanted to take the role as the makeup artist, hair stylist and fashion stylist.
Taking on all these roles required me to spend a lot of time creating makeup designs, making scars from liquid gelatine (Gelglyk), head pieces handmade with wire, stuffing and crepe hair, and costumes to resemble fashion Toga's which are to be embellished with buckles and brooches.

The style and atmosphere that I aspire to create on this project is 'dark fantasy/porcelain dolls'

The LOOK...
The makeup and hair designs have been created through symbolic imagery connected to each sins individuality.

The Gluttonous Pig...
Pigs are best known for their overindulgence. They will normally eat whenever food is placed in their sight. This is the reason why pigs are associated with the deadly sin of gluttony. For this reason I have given Gluttony a 'pink-ish' toned skin.
Gluttonous Pig
Gluttony is a meaning of instability, like a Tornado with no restraint. A Tornado lacks self discipline and self control. I have been inspired by the tornado to create a headpiece using the textures and colours of the image below.
Gluttony is represented by the colour orange. This reference comes from the orange tree due to its ever-bearing characteristics. They never stop. Gluttony's main palette of colour comes  from a range of Oranges.
The Orange Tree

Idle Hands - The Sloth...
Sloths are known for sleeping, eating and generally being dirty animals. Which is why I have decided to design a body outline that would create a weak effect.
The Three Toed Sloth

I have also used grounded materials such as MUD masks to create a cracking effect, and natural sources as inspiration to enhance the feeling of  an 'untouched, ungroomed and dishevelled' man.
Cracked ground

Dirt and Mud

I have decided to give Wrath a 'Bull like' headdress... As her pose towards the camera shall be like a charging bull.
Bull Painting
Wrath is associated with the colour red for her fiery personality. For this I have designed her makeup, hair and styling through a flame colour palette
Fire of Wrath

Suicide was known as the ultimate sin or Wrath, for hatred has rejected Gods gift of life - With this in mind her makeup with reveal 'scratched brush strokes'.

Brushstroke Art
Proud Man...
'A Proud Man will hold himself tall, and with his lying tongue deceive others'

Pride is known for his arrogance and superior attitude - Like the Peakcock 'Puffed up and Self Centered'
Proud as a Peacock
When I think of the word 'Proud', I think of some of our Countries most proud possessions, Architecture being one of them, Architecture has been something that all Countries have been proud of, everywhere across the world there are building to represent the 'Pride' of each Country. 

Tall Modern structured Buildings... London's most recent 'Proud Possession' is the Shard building.
'The Shard at London Bridge Quarter will redefine London's Skyline and become a symbol for the capital, recognisable throughout the world' - 

I have based Prides design of makeup hair and styling on 'The Shard' - Inspiration of the Proud Man.

The Shard

Putting the designs into action...

Through the testing week with the models I found out that the makeup designs worked well overall, although certain areas needed attention, such as the scars needed to be enlarged and recreated with a deeper effect to really show up on camera. 
The costumes were more difficult to fit than I anticipated due the placing of the scars on certain models. With the greek symbols of Gluttony styled across her abdomen the costume had to be fitted in a way that would lay perfectly above and below the scarification; this has ultimately left me with a decision to make, whether to change the positioning of the scar or to research a new 'Toga' layout that would compliment the design already created.
The head pieces fitted perfectly on all the models, the only element that would need attention is the models hair on show - for example the model 'Lust'  has the sides of her hair on show... but i would like to create a bolder and more defined colour and texture, with this in mind I came to the decision of spraying or painting the hair black in a thick consistency to result in a 'porcelain-like' outcome.
The model poses that were tested in the week referenced a doll like poise and stamina, This look worked well with the costumes and makeup designs, this also gave insight to the stability of the head pieces and scarification. Through practising the models movements allowed us to take into consideration the size of the set (standing grave/coffin) and props that will be present for the final photo shoots.

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